
Trilogy Air Quality
Air blowing from the Oceano Dunes can affect air quality. It can change quickly throughout the day and can be a health issue for some people. (See below for five-minute Air Quality updates)
The EPA has established an Air Quality Index (AQI) for five major air pollutants to protect public health. The pollutants are ground-level ozone, particle pollution (also known as particulate matter, including PM2.5 and PM10), carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. The Air Quality Index is divided into six health categories:

Particle matter, particularly PM2.5, carried into Trilogy by wind blowing from the dunes, can cause health issues. If you are concerned about air quality, consider getting air quality alerts from the San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control District (APCD) and tracking short term changes in air quality using the mobile app discussed below.
SLO APCD AirAware Mobile Alerts
San Luis Obispo county air quality and weather alerts sent to your mobile phone (updated hourly).
Trilogy - Nipomo MESA Air Quality
A popular free mobile app tracks EPA air quality monitoring stations as well as private monitors located in Trilogy. Through the app you can get five-minute air quality updates and set up alerts when air quality changes.