
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) is a program designed to help neighbors organize into groups that can work together during an emergency or disaster. The program addresses issues such as where you can get tools to shut off gas and water to signing up for emergency notifications and preparing for a long term emergency or disaster. Neighborhood groups typically have one or two people who act as preparedness coordinators to help set up the group and check on people during a disaster.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors was developed by your neighbors. It is based on a national program that has been tailored for use in Trilogy. The information below outlines the program. Each neighborhood group decides what areas they want to address. The TSPC team is available to support coordinators in presenting material and setting up neighborhood groups.
Preparedness Support Material
The Neighbors Helping Neighbors presentation and support material below can be used to set up your local neighborhood group. TSPC is available to help you set up your group. Let us know what you need on our contact page.
Support Material
Coordinator Information
Neighborhood Contact List - Word Form
Neighborhood Contact List - Excel Form
Emergency Information
SLO County Emergency Information
Vial of Life (Information for 1st Responders)
Home Emergencies
Preparing for Short Term Power Loss
Long Term Emergency or Power Outage
Emergency Kit and Supplies Checklist
Family Planning
Ready.gov Emergency Plan and Contacts List
Family Communication Plan - Wallet Card
Critical Documents and Valuables Check List
Important Links
Current Emergency Status: emergencyslo.org
Emergency Radio Stations
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo - 1610 AM
920 AM
1400 AM
98.1 FM
SLO County social media
Pet Evacuation Information: ready.gov/pets
Product Links
The following items have been given positive reviews by consumers. Treat this as a starting point. TSPC does not endorse any specific product. Please review and decide for yourself.
Emergency Survival Kits
SOS Products Emergency Survival Kits
Amazon Links
Emergency Radios - Some emergency radios provide solar phone charging; make sure the charger is compatible with your phone.
Type S Jump Starter and Power Bank - Car jump starter. Some models also charge electronics.
Emergency Portable Water Container - Plan for 1 gallon of water per person per day and SLO country recommends water for 7 days. Trilogy should have water for 5 days provided people turn off their outside watering.